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News about Legislation

Keep up with the latest legislative developments in Scandinavia in our "Legislation" section. We provide detailed coverage of new laws, amendments, and regulatory changes across Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland. Whether it's updates on parliamentary sessions, legal reforms, or policy debates, our reports ensure you stay informed about the legislative processes shaping the future of the region.
Thursday 12th on 14:23 in Sweden

Swedish government proposes substantial increase in return grant for foreign nationals

Thursday 12th on 13:47 in Finland

On Thursday, the Finnish government presented a legislative proposal aimed at restricting the immediate transition of ministers into private sector roles or lobbying positions after their tenure. The proposed law would impose a maximum 12-month cooling-off period for individuals who have served as ministers or the prime minister, preventing them from entering such positions when necessary. This measure seeks to combat the “revolving door” phenomenon, where decision-makers shift to the private sector or advocacy positions immediately after serving in government. Previously, there had been no specific legislation in Finland addressing this issue, with past governments only making principled decisions. Comparable regulations are more common in other European countries, and calls for such restrictions have also come from European anti-corruption agencies. The government led by former Prime Minister Sanna Marin attempted to enact similar legislation in the fall of 2022; however, the proposal lapsed as it could not be processed before the end of the parliamentary session. Under the current proposal, a cooling-off period would apply if a minister had access to information that could significantly benefit their new role or create a clear conflict of interest. Ministers intending to transition to a new position must notify a newly established cooling-off committee, which would have the authority to impose the restriction. During the cooling-off period, they would receive compensation equivalent to their ministerial salary, estimated at around €135,000 for a one-year period. The law is expected to come into effect in September 2027.

Thursday 12th on 07:45 in Faroe Islands

The legal authority for the proposed bird protection measures extends further, making it unnecessary to present the matter to the Parliament concerning the 500-meter offshore protection zone. This was affirmed by Ingilín D. Strøm, the Minister of Environment, in response to a question from Parliament member Árni Skaale regarding the intended protection zone. Skaale inquired whether the proposed regulations concerning navigation near bird habitats were based on the correct legal foundation. He argued that the legal authority primarily seems to pertain to regulations related to the oil industry. Consequently, he expressed concerns that the protections outlined in the regulation may have been established on a legal basis originally intended for different primary objectives. Ingilín D. Strøm countered by stating that she possesses the authority under environmental protection legislation related to marine environments. She emphasized that the Parliament has granted her the power to safeguard bird populations from harmful impacts caused by navigation and disruptive activities in coastal areas.

Wednesday 11th on 14:08 in Faroe Islands

Proposal to amend health insurance legislation in Greenland to clarify reimbursement rules

Wednesday 11th on 11:53 in Iceland

Icelandic authorities call for stricter social media regulations to protect children

Tuesday 10th on 19:53 in Denmark

Danish government unintentionally endorses Sharia law with Islamic divorce contracts from Copenhagen mosques

Tuesday 10th on 11:48 in Iceland

Man charged with terrorism laws in Copenhagen as security concerns rise in Denmark

Monday 9th on 17:58 in Denmark

Danish Data Protection Agency questions National Police use of facial recognition technology in investigations

Monday 9th on 15:15 in Finland

Proposed amendments to Finnish legislation aim to strengthen definition of hate speech

Monday 9th on 15:15 in Finland

Proposed amendments to hate speech laws in Finland after Ministry of Justice study