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Education challenges persist in Iceland as lack of discipline highlighted by lecturer

Wednesday 2nd 2024 on 12:24 in  

The primary challenge in education is a lack of discipline, according to a lecturer at the University of Iceland’s School of Education. To improve student performance, it is necessary to demonstrate more discipline in the upbringing and education of children. A special focus should be placed on providing parents with support in their responsibility for their children’s education.

Anna Magnea Hreinsdóttir emphasized that parental involvement in children’s education must increase, along with stronger connections between parents and schools. During a recent education conference, there was considerable discussion regarding the poor results found in the latest Pisa survey, frequently mentioning a discipline problem affecting students and their studies.

Anna stated, “We need to join forces for the learning and welfare of children—parents and schools working together. Research shows that children’s academic performance improves when there is a close relationship between parents and schools.”

Concerns have been raised about parents removing their children from school during the academic term for family vacations, a trend observed notably around 2007 and now again, although signs suggest this issue may be decreasing.

Currently, efforts are underway to strengthen the role of parents within the education system by offering them support and courses regarding child-rearing and academic involvement, a project development led by the University of Iceland in collaboration with the Ministry of Education.

As discussions at the conference revealed, a significant concern remains regarding the general lack of discipline, with the nature of such discipline left undefined.

(via ruv.is)