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Keijo Leppänen bids farewell to viewers on Kymmenen Uutiset in Finland

Monday 30th 2024 on 21:49 in  

Today marked the farewell of a beloved figure from Finnish media, as long-time MTV News anchor Keijo Leppänen hosted his final broadcast on Kymmenen Uutiset before retiring. He expressed his heartfelt goodbyes to viewers with gratitude, saying, “I am amazed, even moved, and extremely grateful. Thank you, dear viewers, for these decades spent together. Your time is valuable, and you could have chosen to spend it differently than watching the news. I appreciate your choice and sincerely hope you continue to tune in at ten.”

Leppänen humorously reassured audiences that despite the potential for a slight dip in quality regarding lighter news commentary, everything would return to normal by Christmas, just as the melancholy in his co-anchor Maija Lehmusvirta’s eyes would fade.

The broadcast concluded with a highlight reel of Leppänen’s extensive career, alongside personal reflections, including a tribute from Prime Minister Petteri Orpo, who noted how much he would miss Leppänen’s sunny demeanor.

In a touching moment, Leppänen’s former colleague Pirjo Nuotio accompanied him out of the studio, to which Leppänen responded, “Take care of each other and the viewers,” as he exited.

According to MTV News, Leppänen has anchored over 9,500 news broadcasts during his three-decade career, which included partnerships with 20 different co-anchors. Before joining MTV, he worked with several publications, including Aamulehti, Ilkka, and Uusi Suomi, and authored several books, including a biography of Formula One driver Mika Häkkinen. In July, Yle’s Puoli seitsemän summer tour visited Leppänen’s hometown of Virrat.

(via yle.fi)