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New assessment system to be implemented in primary schools across Iceland next year

Monday 30th 2024 on 21:04 in  

A new standardized assessment system will be implemented in all primary schools across the country next year, contingent upon plans proceeding as expected. This initiative is designed to support children and provide insights into the overall state of the educational system.

Freyja Birgisdóttir, head of the assessment department at the Center for Education and School Services, announced the assessment system during an Education Conference today. She highlighted that the program, named “Matsferill,” aims to achieve two primary goals: first, to monitor each child’s progress, facilitating appropriate instruction and support from staff, schools, and teachers; and secondly, to gather data on the educational system as a whole, allowing policymakers for the first time to track the development of academic performance over time, identify strengths and potential challenges, and propose necessary educational reforms.

The assessment will be conducted in three ways: through standardized status and progress tests, screening tests to identify children facing difficulties so that interventions can be initiated promptly, and the creation of a toolbox for teachers containing various assessment frameworks and checklists.

The status and progress tests will be administered for grades 3 to 10 at both the beginning and end of the school year. There are hopes that these assessments will lay the foundation for what is known as the cycle of assessment and instruction, which Freyja Birgisdóttir emphasized as essential for effective teaching practices and the ability to adapt instruction to the diverse needs of students. The Matsferill system is set to be operational in all schools nationwide by next year, with implementation expected across all grades by fall 2026.

(via ruv.is)