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Backlog at Bjarkarhlíð in Iceland due to rising human trafficking cases

Monday 30th 2024 on 14:19 in  

There is currently a significant backlog at Bjarkarhlíð, a center for survivors of violence in Iceland, due to complex cases of human trafficking in the labor market. For the first time since its establishment in 2017, a waiting list has formed for victims seeking counseling and support.

Since the beginning of the year, nearly 600 individuals have sought consultations regarding various forms of violence, including domestic abuse and older trauma related to their experiences. The center provides free interviews and counseling, along with access to legal professionals and the police. Most of the individuals reaching out are women aged 18 to 40.

The waiting period for consultations has now stretched to two months. Jenný Kristín Valberg, team leader at Bjarkarhlíð, attributes the backlog to increased reports of labor trafficking. She notes that the influx of cases correlates with rising concerns about how foreign workers are brought to Iceland under misleading conditions.

Furthermore, approximately 70 new trafficking cases have emerged in the past year, highlighting the demand for more resources within the center. To address these needs, Bjarkarhlíð has hired an additional staff member, although they are still one advisor short for the core services they typically provide.

Valberg emphasizes the challenge posed by the growing complexity of these cases, which necessitates significant support. As the waiting lists expand, there is a pressing need for enhanced staffing to manage the increasing demands on their services effectively.

(via ruv.is)