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Citizen initiative in Pori gathers support against Pori Energia sale

Monday 30th 2024 on 10:19 in  

A citizen initiative opposing the sale of Pori Energia has reportedly gathered sufficient support, according to its organizers. The initiative contests the sale of the company’s minority stake and calls for a municipal referendum to be held before any transaction occurs. According to municipal law, if at least four percent of the municipality’s residents aged 15 and older submit such a request, the council must promptly decide whether to conduct the referendum.

As of last year, Pori had a population of 72,012 residents over the age of 15, meaning 2,881 signatures are needed for the initiative to advance. The initiative has amassed over 3,200 signatures, including more than 1,000 collected on paper forms. Only signatures from Pori residents will be considered valid, so the lists must be verified.

However, even if the requisite number of names is achieved, the Pori council is not obligated to hold a referendum or act according to its outcome, as it would be purely advisory under municipal law. City council member Niko Viinamäki (Liike Nyt), part of the group behind the initiative, believes there’s ample time to hold a vote before December 20, when the city council is expected to decide on the sale of Pori Energia.

The stakes are high, with Pori’s administrative leadership and city council having granted permission in August to seek buyers for the minority stake in Pori Energia. Mayor Lauri Inna has justified this move by stating that the proceeds could fund investments and enhance municipal revenue. Opponents of the sale express concerns about potential increases in electricity transmission prices, while Inna insists that any adjustments to these rates are strictly regulated, with Pori Energia’s network company already charging maximum rates in the area.

(via yle.fi)