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Fishing protections in Faroe Islands show positive results, says Minister Dennis Holm

Monday 30th 2024 on 10:09 in  
Faroe Islands

Currently, 69 percent of fishing areas within 300 meters depth are fully or partially protected from trawling, with 56 percent closed to trawlers year-round. However, trawlers are permitted to target flatfish within 12 nautical miles during the summer months.

Dennis Holm, the Minister of Fisheries, provided these insights in response to questions posed by Bárður á Lakjuni, a member of parliament, regarding protected and closed fishing areas.

A review conducted in 2014 evaluated spawning protections, trawl restrictions, and the emergency fishing ban system. The findings indicated that the spawning protections on the continental shelf are functioning as intended, effectively safeguarding spawning cod and to some extent protecting spawning haddock, but not at all benefiting spawning plaice. The trawl restrictions have led to reduced pressure on fish stocks.

Holm emphasized that the primary goal of most trawl restrictions implemented in the 1990s was to ensure that trawling would not harm the fisheries that rely on hook-and-line methods. The emergency fishing ban is also operating as planned.

The results from the 2014 assessment have not been updated, according to the Minister. A clear example of the effectiveness of these protections is seen with the bottom fish on the Faroe Bank. The stock has recovered since the area was closed to all fishing for 14 years, from 2008 to 2021, Holm noted.

(via kvf.fo)