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Glacial flood in Skálm River concludes as conditions return to normal in South Iceland

Monday 30th 2024 on 10:09 in  

An unusual glacial flood that began in the Skálm River, which flows from the Mýrdalsjökull glacier in South Iceland on Saturday, has now concluded. As of midday yesterday, electrical conductivity in the river has returned to pre-flood levels, and the water level is steadily decreasing, according to Sigríður Kristjánsdóttir, a natural hazard specialist at the Icelandic Meteorological Office.

This recent glacial flood was significantly smaller in scale compared to a previous incident at the end of July, which had caused damage to the main national highway in the area. Authorities have confirmed that normal conditions have resumed in the Skálm River following the flood event.

(via ruv.is)