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Students in Møre og Romsdal oppose proposed increase in youth transport pass price

Monday 30th 2024 on 09:55 in  

Ida Iren Vike, a 23-year-old student at Molde University College, is expressing concern over a proposed increase in the youth public transport pass price in Møre og Romsdal. Currently, the youth pass costs 450 NOK per month, whereas adults pay 2,628 NOK and students pay 684 NOK. The local government has suggested raising the price of the youth pass by 20% and lowering the age limit from 25 to 20 years.

For Vike, who relies on public transportation from her hometown of Vikebukt to school, this change would significantly impact her budget. “Politicians should consider cutting other expenses instead of this,” she remarked, highlighting the financial difficulties already faced by young people.

Møre og Romsdal County is grappling with a financial deficit projected to reach 102.8 million NOK in 2024, leading to potential cuts in various services. The county’s transportation contracts have increased, while ticket revenues are declining.

The county’s director, Toril Hovdenak, noted the necessity for stringent financial measures to maintain transportation services. “We can’t exceed our budget from the state, and we must reassess our transportation fares to sustain the best possible service for residents,” she said.

The proposed changes will be discussed in the county council mid-October, with opposition evident from various political parties. Critics argue that raising costs during a time of economic strain will hinder young people’s access to public transportation and limit participation in recreational activities.

Young people in the region await the outcome of these discussions, hoping that their voices will influence the decision-making process.

(via nrk.no)