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Glacial flood begins in Skálm, Iceland as experts monitor rising water levels

Saturday 28th 2024 on 23:39 in  

A small glacial flood has begun in Skálm, Iceland. Bjarki Kaldalón Friis, a natural hazard expert at the Icelandic Meteorological Office, has confirmed that this event is much smaller in scale compared to the flood experienced this summer.

Since around noon yesterday, electrical conductivity has increased in Skálm, currently measuring about 280 µS/cm, along with rising water levels. The Meteorological Office urges the public to exercise caution near the river’s source and downstream areas due to potential gas emissions in the vicinity.

As of now, there have been no reports of sulfur odors, though there may be a slow leak of geothermal water from beneath the glacier, suggesting that the flow could continue to increase. The natural hazard monitoring team at the Meteorological Office is closely observing the situation and will continue to monitor the area for any developments.

(via ruv.is)