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Norwegian Justice Minister Emilie Enger Mehl considers border fence similar to Finland’s initiative

Saturday 28th 2024 on 22:55 in  

Norwegian Justice Minister Emilie Enger Mehl has drawn inspiration from Finland’s initiative to construct a 200-kilometer long fence along its 1,340-kilometer border with Russia. She expressed interest in the fence not only as a deterrent but also for its integration of sensors and technology to detect movements near the border.

Mehl indicated that similar measures could be implemented in Norway, stating, “It is a measure that may become relevant, for all or parts of the border.” During a visit to Finland over the summer, she observed the border fence and believes it could be a beneficial addition in Norway. Mehl emphasized the government’s readiness to close the border at short notice if necessary.

Since 2016, Norway has had a 200-meter fence at the Storskog border station following a significant influx of asylum seekers from Russia during the migrant crisis. Currently, only 200 meters of the 198-kilometer Norwegian-Russian border features a physical barrier.

Finnmark Police Chief Ellen Katrine Hætta supports the justice minister’s vision, suggesting a border fence would enhance control and could deter unauthorized crossings. Although illegal crossings are rare, there have been instances, including a notable case in January 2023 involving a man connected to a Russian paramilitary group.

Concerns have risen as Finland has faced an increase in asylum seekers from Russia, prompting the country to close its entire border with Russia. Recent legislation allows border guards to return asylum seekers to Russia, complementing the construction of the new fence.

Experts highlight significant differences between the Finnish and Norwegian borders with Russia, noting the latter’s geopolitical sensitivities given military activities on the Russian side.

(via nrk.no)