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Concerns raised over geothermal drilling dust impact on fish in Leynará

Saturday 28th 2024 on 19:49 in  
Faroe Islands

Concerns have been raised regarding the impact of dust from geothermal drilling on local fish in Leynará, where fishing activities are at their peak during this time of year. Jón í Haraldsstovu, the chairman of the Sílaveiðufelagið fishing association, is particularly troubled by this situation.

He is calling on the Environmental Agency to investigate the potential effects that this dust may have on the aquatic life within the river. The presence of drilling-related dust could pose unknown risks to fish populations, with questions about whether it settles in waters or leads to other negative consequences.

The community is eager for clarity on how these environmental changes may affect their local fishing practices and the health of the river’s ecosystem.

For more insights, listen to a segment featuring Jón í Haraldsstovu discussing these concerns and the implications for fishing in the region.

(via kvf.fo)