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Viðreisn prepares for early elections amid calls for change in Iceland

Saturday 28th 2024 on 17:59 in  

The political party Viðreisn is preparing for elections on short notice, indicating they are ready for a parliamentary vote in the near future. Today, the party is holding its autumn conference, during which it announced plans to conduct primaries in at least three electoral districts in the capital area—this will be the party’s first time holding these primaries for parliamentary elections. Previously, the party had organized primaries for municipal elections.

Þorgerður Katrín Gunnarsdóttir, the chairperson of Viðreisn, expressed that the current government is at a standstill and anticipates elections to take place no later than spring. The request for early elections comes amidst pressing issues such as battling inflation and high interest rates, along with concerns about the mental well-being of young people.

In an additional announcement, Svandís Svavarsdóttir, who is likely to become the next leader of the Left-Green Movement, stated her belief that the next elections should be held in spring, despite the current term officially ending in September next year. Gunnarsdóttir emphasized the necessity for a change in direction, criticizing the government’s inaction.

Notably, among those seeking candidacy in Reykjavík’s primaries is Jón Gnarr, a former mayor and artist who recently joined the party. He remarked that his journey in the presidential race made him realize he belongs in parliament, advocating for more diverse backgrounds in governance.

As the political landscape evolves, the need for prompt decisions and changes is becoming increasingly clear to various factions within Icelandic politics.

(via ruv.is)