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Suspect transfers property amid murder case of Jonas Aarseth Henriksen in Norway

Saturday 28th 2024 on 17:55 in  

Marijana Lozic, the family’s legal representative, expressed deep concern over recent developments in the ongoing murder case of Jonas Aarseth Henriksen. The main suspect, who is believed to have ordered the murder, transferred his house to a close family member for no financial compensation, a move that raises suspicions given the current legal context.

In July, the suspect “sold” his property for 0 Norwegian kroner despite admitting to orchestrating violence, vandalism, and tagging against Henriksen. However, he denies any involvement in the murder itself. The family of the victim has notified authorities of significant claims for compensation, estimating total financial demands to potentially reach several million kroner.

On December 19, the day before the suspect was released from custody, prosecutors secured the right to seize his bank account, which held 1.2 million kroner, to prevent him from accessing funds that may be needed for compensation claims. Earlier this year, the court granted the suspect access to the account, expressing doubt over the likelihood of him risking financial loss that could impact his family.

Lozic emphasized the family’s desire for justice over financial gain, stating, “What this family cares about is that those responsible are held accountable for everything Jonas experienced before his murder.” She characterized the recent actions surrounding the house transfer as “frustrating” and expressed worry regarding the motivations behind such decisions, particularly in light of the compensation risks involved.

Currently, four other men are also charged with murder or complicity in Henriksen’s death, further complicating the case. The situation highlights the intricate relationship between legal proceedings, financial liability, and the quest for justice within affected families.

(via nrk.no)