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Two workplace accidents reported in Tampere, Finland, one fatal

Saturday 28th 2024 on 17:04 in  

In Tampere, Finland, two serious workplace accidents occurred this week, with one resulting in a fatality and the other causing severe injuries. Mika Tynkkynen, Director of Research at the Accident Insurance Center, noted that such incidents in close succession are uncommon for a single locality.

The fatal accident took place on Wednesday at a construction site belonging to Metso’s technology center in Lahdesjärvi, while the serious injury occurred the following Friday at a cardboard factory located in downtown Tampere. Tynkkynen explained that the nature of work in construction inherently exposes workers to risks, with agriculture, forestry, and heavy machinery sectors also sharing similar vulnerabilities. However, he pointed out that safety has significantly improved over the past decades, especially in construction and industry.

Earlier this year, Metso announced a €150 million investment into the new technology center, a move reported in early June. According to an unofficial media-based listing by the Accident Insurance Center, there have been 13 workplace fatalities in Finland so far this year, compared to 24 in 2022. Tynkkynen anticipates the final tally for the year will average out, unfortunately, to similar figures.

Overall, Finland has seen a substantial decline in workplace fatalities; previously, the average was between 30-40 deaths annually at the turn of the millennium, with numbers occasionally soaring to 200 in the 1970s and 1980s. Moreover, accidents occurring during commutes are rising slightly, with an estimated 24,000 such incidents expected this year, compared to just over 22,000 last year—largely due to the resurgence of commuter traffic post-COVID-19.

(via yle.fi)