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SWECO criticizes Norconsult’s risk analysis for Suduroy Tunnel in Norway

Tuesday 24th 2024 on 10:59 in  
Faroe Islands

The international consultancy firm SWECO has issued a critical assessment of the risk analysis underlying the cost estimation for the Suduroy Tunnel.

According to SWECO, the solution proposed by Norconsult, the firm responsible for the tunnel design, is not acceptable and does not meet the requirements set by Norwegian safety standards regarding a zero-vision approach. The firm also suggests that Norconsult is deliberately selecting examples of incidents involving fire to reach a predetermined conclusion.

Furthermore, SWECO points out that Norconsult’s proposal is significantly cheaper than typically required for a tunnel of such length. This raises concerns about safety features that should be included, such as an evacuation tunnel, safety rooms, or an escape route behind a fire wall.

In another development, the community center at Mýrini in Hoyvík, which was completed last summer, has not met the expectations of the Ministry of Social Affairs in terms of both quantity and quality. The system overseeing building inspections must be reevaluated, as recommended by the National Audit Office.

(via kvf.fo)