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SWECO critiques Norconsult’s risk assessment for Suduroy Tunnel in Faroe Islands

Tuesday 24th 2024 on 10:54 in  
Faroe Islands

The international consulting firm SWECO has issued a strong critique of the risk assessment underlying the cost estimation for the Suduroy Tunnel in the Faroe Islands.

According to SWECO, the solution designed by Norconsult, the engineering firm responsible for the tunnel, is unacceptable and fails to meet the Norwegian safety standards which adhere to a zero-vision principle.

SWECO also pointed out that Norconsult appears to selectively choose scenarios involving fire emergencies to reach a predetermined conclusion regarding the tunnel’s safety.

The proposed solution is significantly cheaper than what is typically required for a tunnel of its length, which would normally include an emergency evacuation tunnel, safety rooms, or an escape route behind a fire wall.

In another development, the new residential complex at Mýrini in Hoyvík was completed last summer; however, the Ministry of Social Affairs has indicated that the construction did not meet the requested specifications in terms of quality or quantity.

The system regarding construction committees must be re-evaluated, as recommended by the National Audit Office.

This information was broadcasted on local radio and on kvf.fo at 10 AM.

(via kvf.fo)