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Immigration discourse in Iceland scrutinized as parliamentary elections approach

Tuesday 24th 2024 on 01:34 in  

In a recent discussion on immigration issues aired on the program Silfrið, participants expressed skepticism that the topic will significantly influence the outcome of the upcoming parliamentary elections in Iceland. Olöf Skaftadóttir referred to a recent poll indicating that immigration is low on voters’ priority lists, with healthcare and economic issues topping the agenda.

Ölóa criticized the current discourse surrounding immigration, pointing out that it often dominates discussions despite being a lesser concern among voters. She highlighted the case of Yazan, illustrating how the rhetoric around immigration can be disproportionate to its actual significance in the minds of the electorate. She emphasized that public discourse on the matter is gradually becoming more substantive, stating that “sensationalist outbursts” regarding immigration are “almost unbearable.”

Íris Róbertsdóttir, the mayor of Vestmannaeyjar, echoed Olöf’s sentiments and noted that the immigrant population in Iceland is nearing 80,000. She stressed the critical role these individuals play in driving economic growth, particularly in the tourism and fishing industries. Íris lamented that public figures often conflate immigration with security concerns, particularly regarding border control and asylum applications.

Addressing the potential societal impacts of political rhetoric, Íris urged caution in the use of language in public discussions, citing personal experiences of discrimination shared by Hrafnhildur Ming Þórunnardóttir. She insisted that while border control is essential, it should not overshadow the contributions of immigrants.

The conversation underscored the need for a more reasoned and respectful approach to immigration discourse, moving away from stigma and towards recognition of the diverse contributions immigrants make to Icelandic society.

(via ruv.is)