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New border control system to enhance security across Schengen Area in November

Tuesday 24th 2024 on 00:19 in  

A new border control system is set to enhance security across the Schengen Area, according to law enforcement agencies. The system is expected to be implemented throughout the Schengen Zone in November.

In Iceland, the main border crossing points include Keflavik Airport, along with Reykjavik, Akureyri, Egilsstaðir, and Sundahöfn. In total, there are four major airports and approximately 30 maritime borders that function as external borders of the Schengen Area. The preparations for the new system are nearing completion, promising a more detailed and automated process compared to the current system.

“This new technology will replace the traditional stamp process upon arrival,” stated a representative from the national police. The system will incorporate electronic registration, fingerprinting, and facial recognition, which will be matched against data stored in passengers’ passports.

It’s important to note that this system pertains to external borders of Schengen, affecting travelers from third countries such as the UK, the US, and Canada. Travel within the Schengen Area remains unrestricted for participants from third countries already within the borders and does not impose any changes for residents of Schengen countries.

The implementation of this extensive system represents one of the largest projects undertaken by the European Union in recent years. Officials hope to launch the system simultaneously across all member states in November. The representative expressed optimism that the additional information provided would not lead to further delays at border checkpoints, aiming to enhance overall safety and monitoring for illegal stays within the Schengen Zone.

(via ruv.is)