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Mother charged with aggravated assault in Akureyri following controversial circumcision of son

Monday 23rd 2024 on 17:29 in  

A mother from Akureyri has been charged with aggravated assault and domestic violence following a controversial circumcision of her son conducted in their home two years ago. The baby underwent the procedure when he was just 17 months old. The circumcision was performed by an individual who the parents had hired and who traveled from Italy to Iceland for the operation.

Following the circumcision, the child was taken to the hospital in Akureyri at the request of child protection services. Reports indicate that the child experienced bleeding from the surgical site, necessitating a second operation to prevent infection.

The family, residing in Akureyri, has Ghanaian roots, and cultural as well as religious reasons reportedly motivated the parents’ decision to circumcise their son. It has emerged that the woman who performed the circumcision traveled from Italy specifically for this purpose, and the parents were unaware that the procedure might violate Icelandic law.

The district prosecutor’s office is currently handling the case, though a court date has yet to be scheduled. The charges have raised serious questions regarding the intersection of cultural practices and legal frameworks, particularly in relation to children’s rights and security in Iceland.

(via ruv.is)