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Youth in Kajaani raise alarm over energy drink consumption as local stores ignore age restrictions

Monday 23rd 2024 on 17:19 in  

In Kajaani, 14-year-old Maisa Heikkinen highlighted a growing concern that the consumption of energy drinks among youth has spiraled out of control. “There are students who leave school to buy energy drinks because the cafeteria food is not appealing,” she stated.

The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare recommends that energy drinks should not be sold to those under the age of 15. However, this guideline is frequently ignored in many stores. For instance, the regional cooperative store Maakunta continues to sell energy drinks to customers under 15, according to department manager Reijo Härkönen. He explained that their policy is based on Finnish law, which all S-group stores in Kainuu adhere to. “As a market leader, we are unable to impose our own restrictions, and we lack legal grounds for doing so,” he noted.

Härkönen emphasized that stores are obligated to maintain fairness to suppliers: if they independently decide to limit the sale of specific products, it could be seen as favoring one supplier over another.

The adverse effects of energy drinks have been raised in the youth councils of Paltamo and Kajaani, which have submitted a petition advocating for a ban on the sale of these beverages to individuals under 15. Policies on selling energy drinks to minors vary by store; while they are not sold at the K-Market in Kontiomäki or the K-Market in Sammonkaari, youngsters in Kajaani still test the 15-year age limit daily, according to shopkeeper Katja Salmela. The decision by shopkeepers to implement these guidelines was made six years ago in response to health concerns regarding youth and dental health. “It’s better to maintain a strict policy, even if not all stores do so,” Salmela added.

(via yle.fi)