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Eighth-grader highlights energy drink consumption issue among youth in Kajaani

Monday 23rd 2024 on 17:19 in  

In Kajaani, Maisa Heikkinen, an eighth-grader, highlights a concerning trend among young people regarding energy drink consumption. “Some students go to the store if they don’t like the school food and come back with cans of energy drinks,” she notes.

The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare recommends that energy drinks should not be sold to those under 15, but this guideline is often disregarded in various stores. Reijo Härkönen, a group manager at the regional cooperative Maakunta, confirms that their stores sell energy drinks to minors, stating that all S-group stores in Kainuu adhere to Finnish law, which does not allow them to impose sales restrictions. “As a player in a dominant market position, we cannot unilaterally establish limits, nor do we have legal grounds to do so,” Härkönen explains.

He emphasizes that fairness to suppliers is crucial. If stores independently limit the sale of certain products, it could be perceived as favoritism towards another supplier.

Negative impacts of energy drinks have been highlighted by youth councils in Paltamo and Kajaani, which have advocated for a ban on their sale to people under 15. Policies on this issue vary among retailers; for instance, the K-Market in Kontiomäki and the K-Market Sammonkaar in Kajaani refuse to sell energy drinks to those underage. However, Katja Salmela, a shop owner in Kajaani, reports that kids frequently attempt to bypass the 15-year age limit for buying energy drinks.

This cautious approach from store owners began six years ago in response to concerns about youth health and dental well-being. “It’s better to maintain a strict policy, even if not all stores do,” Salmela affirms.

(via yle.fi)