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Teachers gather in Akureyri to discuss latest literacy research at University of Akureyri

Monday 23rd 2024 on 17:04 in  

Literacy is a crucial part of an individual’s life, and if children fail to grasp reading skills, it can significantly impact their entire lives. Therefore, it is deemed essential to maintain literacy training throughout the upper grades of primary school, and possibly even longer.

Recently, 220 teachers gathered in Akureyri to explore the latest research in literacy for younger primary school students. The conference was organized by the Center for School Development at the University of Akureyri. Experts emphasized the importance of bringing together such a large group of educators to discuss recent studies and changes in literacy instruction.

Teachers employ various methods to teach literacy, noting that while each method may not be perfect, a diverse approach is necessary due to the uniqueness of each child. Experts stated that no single method stands out as the best, but educators must be equipped with multiple strategies to cater to students’ needs effectively.

Younger children are particularly receptive to literacy teaching. Many start reading before entering the first grade, but the enthusiasm for reading can wane as they age. Ensuring access to engaging reading materials becomes essential to maintain interest. There should also be more dialogues about reading with older elementary students, who often face distractions from other content.

Furthermore, the Center for School Development has been working on a project called “Literacy for Life,” addressing the necessity of literacy instruction for older primary school students. This initiative aims to integrate literacy across all subjects, not solely focused on the Icelandic language, to support reading comprehension and vocabulary skills through to the tenth grade.

(via ruv.is)