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Households responsible for one-third of food waste in Finland, efforts underway to promote vegetable intake

Monday 23rd 2024 on 11:08 in  

In Finland, households are the leading contributors to food waste, accounting for one-third of all discarded food, according to the Consumer Association’s project manager Jenni Vainioranta. During this year’s Food Waste Week, efforts are being made to find ways to increase the intake of vegetables in Finnish diets while minimizing waste. The association reports a growing amount of edible food being thrown away in homes.

Nationally, annual food waste across the entire food supply chain reaches approximately 400 million kilograms, valued at around 590 million euros. Vegetables constitute the largest portion of this waste, as Finns consume them in insufficient amounts compared to nutritional recommendations. Vainioranta emphasizes that proper storage can extend the freshness of vegetables. Some, like bananas and tomatoes, produce ethylene, which can hasten the spoilage of other produce, such as cucumbers, oranges, and kiwis.

Young adults in particular struggle with trusting their senses when assessing food freshness. Vainioranta highlights the importance of maintaining an adequately cool refrigerator, advising against storing milk in the door due to temperature fluctuations. Misunderstandings surrounding expiration dates also contribute to waste; the “best before” date indicates optimal quality, while the “use by” date signifies safety concerns, especially for perishable items like meat and fish.

Vainioranta encourages people, especially younger generations, to rely on their senses and urges them not to discard food out of fear. The Consumer Association offers a food waste calculator to help households assess and reduce their waste and carbon footprint.

(via yle.fi)