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Icelandic government prepares to introduce bill addressing Bókun 35 in parliamentary session

Sunday 22nd 2024 on 16:24 in  

The Icelandic government is preparing to introduce a bill addressing “Bókun 35” during the current parliamentary session. This addition to the legislation implementing the European Economic Area (EEA) agreement has sparked a significant debate, with opponents claiming it undermines national sovereignty, while supporters argue it ensures legal consistency and protects citizens’ rights as outlined in the EEA.

Earlier this week, a letter was sent to the President urging him to oppose this legislation if it passes through Parliament. The letter, from the management of a political party, highlighted concerns that the proposal violates the constitution, noting that “Bókun 35” was not part of the EEA agreement when it was ratified over three decades ago.

The proposed changes aim to clarify that if EEA-based legislation conflicts with national laws, the former should take precedence—unless explicitly stated otherwise by Parliament. This measure seeks to safeguard the rights of individuals and businesses conferred under the EEA.

In discussions at Parliament, concerns were raised about potential retroactive implications of the bill and its relationship to existing regulations, particularly those related to energy policies.

Critics of the bill caution that implementing “Bókun 35” could lead to legal uncertainties, while proponents assert that Parliament maintains the authority to amend laws as it sees fit. Some legal experts argue that the legislation would not restrict Parliament’s ability to enact laws in accordance with Icelandic sovereignty, emphasizing that the bill would not prevent legislative changes needed to uphold citizens’ rights under international agreements.

The government anticipates that the bill will be introduced in the coming week, possibly initiating another round of intense parliamentary debate on the topic.

(via ruv.is)