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Swedish criminal gangs increasingly sending individuals to Iceland for organized crime activities

Sunday 22nd 2024 on 15:54 in  

Swedish criminal gangs are increasingly sending individuals to Iceland to engage in organized crime, according to the Icelandic Minister of Justice. Guðrún Hafsteinsdóttir indicated that between eight to twelve criminal groups are currently active in the country.

During a meeting in Sweden with Nordic justice ministers and representatives from major social media companies, Hafsteinsdóttir expressed concerns about the growing trend. She noted evidence of connections between these gangs and suggested they may be involved in human trafficking and other cross-border organized crimes.

Elín Agnes Kristínardóttir, an assistant chief of police in the Capital Region, confirmed that Swedish gangs have indeed sent people to Iceland for criminal purposes, though she could not quantify the scale or details of the operations. It is believed that these groups may have local connections.

The Minister of Justice conveyed her worries about the situation, highlighting the range of criminal organizations operating within Iceland. To address the issue, she mentioned ongoing efforts to strengthen border control and enhance cooperation among law enforcement agencies. She emphasized the importance of aligning legislation across Nordic countries to facilitate better collaboration and information sharing.

Additionally, Hafsteinsdóttir pointed out that the formation of youth gangs is also a significant concern, as young people are particularly vulnerable to the influences of organized crime.

(via ruv.is)