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Dr. Kaisa Vuorinen advocates for the power of praise in personal and professional relationships

Sunday 22nd 2024 on 11:09 in  

Humans are inherently social creatures, and receiving praise satisfies one of their fundamental needs: it affirms their significance to others, according to Dr. Kaisa Vuorinen, a philosopher and trainer. Hearing someone praise you provides confirmation of your importance in their life. The positive emotions generated by praise enhance interaction, prompting Vuorinen to advocate for recognizing even the smallest achievements.

Vuorinen focuses on teaching others how to give feedback and praise, emphasizing the importance of developing one’s “praise muscles.” She has encouraging words for those who feel hesitant to give compliments: “In our culture, there’s little risk of over-praising.” She suggests starting small, finding a comfortable approach, and practicing praise in various contexts—such as complimenting a colleague or manager at work, a spouse or child at home, a cashier in a store, or a waiter in a restaurant. For those who find face-to-face praise challenging, she recommends beginning with a text message or public feedback online. She highlights that a texted compliment can increase communication effectiveness, especially among youth.

Recalling a significant moment of praise from her early career, Vuorinen shares her experience from the early 2010s when she was a nervous first-day special education teacher. A colleague unexpectedly praised her abilities on the basketball court in front of others, which greatly boosted her confidence as she began her new role.

Readers are invited to share their life-changing compliments for a future article, emphasizing the impact these words can have and encouraging community engagement.

(via yle.fi)