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Racism experiences shared by multicultural residents in Drammen, Norway

Sunday 22nd 2024 on 10:55 in  

Mustafa Senjar, a 22-year-old student specializing in education, shares his experiences of racism while living in Drammen, Norway, a culturally diverse city where around 30% of residents have immigrant backgrounds. According to a 2023 quality of life survey by Statistics Norway, one in four migrants report experiences of racism or discrimination due to their ethnic background.

Despite being raised in Norway, Mustafa often feels he is not treated as a true Norwegian. He recounts a particular incident during his military service where an older soldier claimed that “foreigners” shouldn’t be allowed in the army, prompting him to walk away in respect for elders, a value instilled in him by his culture. He also mentions that the constant exposure to discriminatory remarks can alienate many foreigners, who often do not feel a sense of belonging.

Similarly, Sofia Akhrimenko, 19, faced frequent taunts about her last name, especially after her family emigrated from Russia. She noticed a shift in people’s attitudes towards Russians following the onset of the Ukraine war, with people questioning her about the conflict.

Yolanda Benjarrano, originally from Colombia, spoke about her initial challenges finding work in Norway despite her education. She noted a change after moving to Drammen, where she formed friendships with locals, highlighting the need for broader acceptance in the workforce.

Anthony Magalanis Fajermoo, a 26-year-old education student, has experienced subtle discrimination but feels more at ease using his Norwegian surname when job hunting. He believes cultural warmth and openness are key to fostering better community relations.

Meanwhile, Ahmed Eibte, 22, from Chad, has had positive experiences since moving to Drammen, feeling welcomed by the community. Lastly, Daisy Albakova, 20, shared her discomfort with rude comments about her hijab while emphasizing the importance of cultural understanding to bridge gaps between communities.

(via nrk.no)