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Concerns grow over lack of contingency plans for individuals with disabilities in Denmark

Sunday 22nd 2024 on 10:04 in  

Concerns are rising about the lack of contingency plans for individuals with disabilities in Denmark, particularly in emergency situations such as power outages. Questions arise about the needs of people who rely on respirators, how visually impaired individuals can access safe shelters, and the challenges wheelchair users face when evacuating via stairs.

According to the Danish Disability Organizations, there is no comprehensive strategy included in recent crisis preparedness recommendations issued to the public. Thorkild Olesen, the organization’s chairman, expressed frustration, stating that there are no clear plans for the disability sector.

In early August, the group sent a letter to the Emergency Management Agency and members of parliament to highlight these concerns. However, after the agency circulated a guide titled “Prepared for Crises” at the end of August, many questions remained unaddressed.

Olesen has called for the rapid establishment of a working group to investigate the issues and propose solutions that can be part of discussions regarding Denmark’s emergency preparedness. While the agency advises citizens to prepare to be self-sufficient for three days during a crisis, they acknowledge that recommendations should be tailored to individual household needs.

Research indicates that crises can exacerbate societal inequalities, with those having disabilities often facing intensified challenges during emergencies. Olesen articulated his anxiety about the safety of disabled individuals during potential crises, emphasizing the urgent need for a dedicated response plan.

The Emergency Management Agency understands these concerns and assures that they are committed to dialogues with relevant organizations to address the challenges faced by vulnerable groups. They are looking for the best ways to cooperate with various ministries and organizations to improve preparedness for people with disabilities.

(via dr.dk)