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School in Reykjavik transforms plant sounds into music using artificial intelligence

Sunday 22nd 2024 on 07:59 in  

A school in Reykjavik, known for its emphasis on innovation, is providing students with unique opportunities to explore new concepts by transforming plant sounds into music using artificial intelligence. At Víkurskóli, students and teachers are collaborating on a project where recordings of plant sounds are converted into musical compositions, integrating technology with natural sciences.

The initiative was spearheaded by multimedia teacher Kaśka Paluch-Łukasiak and biology teacher Veronica Piazza, who aimed to connect different subjects through this experimental approach. Tenth-grade students were already engaged in recording natural sounds, such as wind and water, and now ninth graders are recording sounds specific to plants. This is achieved using sensitive bioelectrical sensors that assess the plants’ physiology. AI is then utilized to translate these disorganized plant sounds into music.

Piazza expressed her enthusiasm for helping students interact with plants in new ways, highlighting that although plants lack a nervous system like animals, they still respond to stimuli. The equipment allows students to perceive how plants react when touched or pruned.

School principal Þuríður Óttarsdóttir noted that Víkurskóli continuously seeks new and creative ways to enhance student learning, affirming that the benefits of this project are substantial. It promotes understanding and personal growth, encouraging students to make different choices and form new opinions. This experiential learning fosters creativity, which is valuable for all students.

(via ruv.is)