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Documentary critiques Denmark’s military missions in Cyprus and the Middle East

Sunday 22nd 2024 on 06:14 in  

The new documentary “Welcome to the Frontline” critiques Denmark’s military missions, initially intended as peacekeeping efforts in Cyprus but ending in chaos and failure in the Middle East. Two former generals, who participated in these missions, reflect on their experiences.

Brigadier General Ole Kværnø expresses concerns about the naivety of Denmark’s involvement in the Balkan wars, admitting that the Danish Armed Forces were ill-prepared for such conflicts due to a lack of combat experience. He emphasizes that this is a self-reflection rather than a critique of others.

The documentary reviews the military presence in Iraq and Afghanistan, highlighting the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 when Taliban forces regained control. Kværnø states that the assumption that military power could instill Western values in Afghanistan and Iraq was misguided, noting that the anticipated outcomes never materialized.

Former Defence Chief Jesper Helsø also reflects on the situation, indicating that Denmark’s military efforts ultimately ended in disarray. He recalls how the Danish forces had to deploy tanks in Afghanistan, signaling a shift in strategy due to increasing violence.

Both Kværnø and Helsø suggest that there needs to be a serious reassessment of Denmark’s military objectives and capabilities. They recognize that the past 30 years of military involvement have led back to a defensive posture, particularly in light of new threats following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. They emphasize the need for greater resources to ensure Denmark’s own security, cautioning against future international military engagements.

(via dr.dk)