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Former doctor charged with rape of 88 women in Frosta

Saturday 21st 2024 on 20:55 in  

On Tuesday, it was announced that a former municipal doctor from Frosta is charged with the rape of 88 women. The alleged assaults occurred during medical examinations between 2004 and 2022. Some of the women reported concerns about the doctor to authorities as early as 2006. The Health Supervision Authority issued a warning to the physician, a warning that is no longer utilized. According to the agency, this warning served as an explicit notice for healthcare personnel to modify their practices, but it did not result in the suspension of their medical licenses.

Bjørn Øglænd, who worked for the Health Supervision Authority from 2017 to 2023, stated that the agency never spoke to the women who had raised alarms about the doctor. Øglænd argued that had they done so, the outcome could have been significantly different in 2006, potentially resulting in the physician being prohibited from performing gynecological exams unaccompanied.

Arne Bye, the defendant, has consistently denied any wrongdoing. His attorney, Erlend Hjulstad Nilsen, emphasized that there has been no conviction and reiterated the presumption of innocence until proven otherwise.

In a disturbing account, three women had previously reported that the doctor had conducted unconventional gynecological examinations, including inappropriate sexual advances. Following this, the Health Supervision Authority concluded in 2007 that the doctor had violated professional standards.

While numerous complaints have piled up against the doctor, including at least 12 additional grievances received between November 2021 and August 2022, he was ultimately charged with multiple counts of rape for allegedly taking sexual advantage of women who were unable to consent during medical examinations. The investigation continues as concerns grow regarding the failure of oversight authorities to act decisively in the earlier cases.

(via nrk.no)