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Video of forestry machine crushing endangered river pearl mussels in Suomussalmi sparks national debate

Saturday 21st 2024 on 19:09 in  

A video recorded by a biologist showing a forestry machine crushing endangered freshwater mussels, known as river pearl mussels, in Suomussalmi has sparked intense national discussion for weeks. The incident drew comments even from the President of Finland and prompted a protest in Helsinki advocating for the mussels’ protection. Conversely, some people expressed their fatigue over the topic, with the Finnish Nature Conservation Association sharing Instagram critiques dubbing the discourse around the mussels as “mussel hysteria” and “utterly absurd fuss over those damn mollusks.”

In light of this controversy, four experts from various fields assess what the river mussel debate signifies. Environmental conflict resolution professor Lasse Peltonen from the University of Eastern Finland noted that the incident appeared to be a clear environmental crime, with video evidence available. He highlighted that the event led to questioning the practices within Finnish forestry, raising concerns about its reputation for environmental responsibility.

Anthropologist and environmental philosopher Teea Kortetmäki of the University of Jyväskylä remarked that the mussels are easy subjects for empathy due to their exotic nature and delicate appearance, often evoking feelings of war and innocent victims rather than controversy.

Tapani Veistola, director of the Finnish Nature Conservation Association, pointed out that the controversy reflects long-standing concerns about the protection of old forests and carbon sinks. The river mussels have recently gained attention, partially due to their role as a symbol of broader environmental issues. Eco-psychologist Jane-Veera Paakkolanvaara emphasized that feelings of anger and empathy surrounding the event are appropriate responses to perceived neglect toward vulnerable species.

(via yle.fi)