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Civic lists emerge as locals demand transparency in Faroe Islands municipal elections

Saturday 21st 2024 on 18:24 in  
Faroe Islands

People feel unheard and lack transparency in local governance. Therefore, the emergence of new civic lists ahead of the municipal elections is a positive sign that local democracy is functioning.

This week, sociologist Sámal Matras, political philosophy PhD Sigri Gaini, and rhetorician Maria Ziskason debated significant topics of current interest.

A genuine election fever is spreading across the country as municipal elections draw near. Politicians are changing parties, new civic lists are being announced, and not all mayors are pleased with recent surveys conducted by Kringvarpið regarding local municipalities.

In the United States, the rhetoric intensifies with just six weeks to go until the presidential election, particularly focusing on former president Donald Trump, who finds himself under scrutiny from multiple angles.

In the Faroe Islands, unhealthy eating habits continue to rise despite clear and green public health guidelines.

For more insights, listen to the full weekly discussion here.

(via kvf.fo)