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Iceland celebrates Organic Day with new action plan to promote organic farming

Saturday 21st 2024 on 16:19 in  

Iceland’s organic agriculture is reaching a significant milestone, with only about one percent of its farming sector holding organic certification. This year’s Organic Day serves as a catalyst for promoting organic cultivation and production in Iceland, coinciding with a new action plan released by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture aimed at enhancing organic production.

Established to highlight what is grown and produced organically in Iceland, Organic Day seeks to raise awareness about diverse organic products. Anna María Björnsdóttir, the project’s manager, pointed out that while only one percent of Iceland’s agriculture is certified organic, there is a rich variety of products being cultivated.

Today, several organic farms across the country open their doors to the public, offering visitors the opportunity to see, taste, and learn about the efforts of organic farmers. Participating farms include Yrkja, Syðra-Holti, Svarfaðardal, the Sólbakki horticultural station, Ósi in Hörgársveit, Móðir Jörð, Vallanesi, Egilsstöðum, and Búland dairy farm in Hvolsvelli. An additional event is also taking place in the capital region at Bistro in Elliðaárdal.

This initiative emphasizes the importance of developing organic farming in Iceland, especially as the country has not progressed as far in this area compared to its neighbors. The impact of how food is grown and produced today holds substantial relevance for improving agricultural practices.

(via ruv.is)