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Santa Claus reflects on holiday spirit and commercialization in Helsinki

Saturday 21st 2024 on 15:39 in  

A cheerful man strolls past what might be Finland’s most famous Santa Claus, asking, “How many nights until Christmas?” Santa, or Timo Alarik Pakkanen, replies, “The same as the Winter War lasted, 105 days.” Their conversation seems to echo a familiar exchange.

In Etu-Töölö, Helsinki, few are startled to see Santa outside the holiday season. Pakkanen’s office is located in the basement of an apartment building on Calonius Street, just blocks from his home. His striking white beard makes him recognizable as Santa, even without the traditional red suit.

Recently, Pakkanen has expressed frustration over a significant facade renovation of his apartment building. Nevertheless, he appreciates having a hole cut into the protective coverings of his office window so passersby can see a countdown to Christmas, reminding them that the year’s most important holiday is always getting closer.

Having played Santa since 1961, Pakkanen considers his role more of a lifestyle than a job, presently identifying as 70% Santa and 30% Timo Pakkanen.

While his Santa duties provide a living—even extending globally—Pakkanen is critical of the increasingly commercialized nature of Christmas. He feels that stores start pushing Christmas products far too early, often even before autumn begins.

On the personal front, Pakkanen recently celebrated his 80th birthday and the release of a biography detailing his colorful life, which includes heartfelt moments like his visit to tsunami-stricken Japan in 2011.

Pakkanen believes in spreading joy and hopes to foster a sense of wonder among both children and adults, emphasizing the importance of imagination and the magic of Christmas.

(via yle.fi)