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Bear sighting reported near Iiksenvaaran School in Joensuu

Saturday 21st 2024 on 13:59 in  

On Saturday morning around 9 a.m., emergency services received a report of a bear sighting near Iiksenvaaran School, approximately 9 kilometers from the center of Joensuu. The police notified large game control officers; however, no further sightings of the bear were reported in the Iiksenvaaran area. After the large game control team had left the area, a new report was received by emergency services regarding another bear sighting from the same direction. The bear was reported to be leaving the forest towards Iiksensuo. According to the report, the bear was about the size of a large dog and was possibly a young cub. Residents are encouraged to report bear sightings near populated areas to emergency services.

(via yle.fi)