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Norwegian student discusses racism experiences in Drammen’s multicultural environment

Saturday 21st 2024 on 08:55 in  

Mustafa Sangar, a teacher student from Drammen, Norway, discusses his experiences with racism in a multicultural environment where approximately 30% of the population has an immigrant background. Despite being born and raised in Norway by Kurdish parents, Mustafa shares that he often feels he is treated as an outsider.

He recounts incidents from his teenage years and military service, such as a colleague who stated that foreigners should not be part of the military because it is meant for white individuals. Mustafa says that, according to his cultural upbringing, he responds to such instances with silence and respect for elders rather than confrontation, which he sees as an expression of a lack of understanding rather than ignorance.

The broader landscape reveals that nearly one in four immigrants in Norway report experiencing racism, which can manifest as prejudice, harassment, or discrimination based on ethnicity, nationality, or skin color. Many young people experiencing racism reportedly choose to ignore it or pretend it doesn’t affect them.

Sofia Akhremenko, who moved from Russia, illustrates the changing attitudes towards Russians following the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, expressing disappointment at the negative comments directed toward her. She believes Drammen is, overall, an inclusive community despite such encounters.

Conversely, Yolanda Benjarano from Colombia highlights her challenges in the Norwegian job market despite her higher education, while Ahamat Ibet from Chad reflects positively on his welcome in Norway.

These narratives underscore a complex reality where cultural understanding and inclusion are vital for fostering community among diverse populations in Norway.

(via nrk.no)