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Mother shares breastfeeding challenges in Finnish maternity hospitals

Saturday 21st 2024 on 08:04 in  

A new mother has experienced challenges at a maternity hospital when breastfeeding did not go as hoped. In a recent article published by Yle, mothers shared their experiences, highlighting feelings of pressure regarding breastfeeding. Finnish maternity hospitals actively promote breastfeeding, guided by the WHO and UNICEF’s baby-friendly programs, which also inform Finland’s baby and family-friendly initiatives.

The discussion sparked by the article prompted responses from organizations such as the Breastfeeding Support Association and the Finnish Midwives Association, acknowledging both positive and negative experiences related to childbirth and breastfeeding. Päivi Oinonen, Chair of the Finnish Midwives Association, affirmed the validity of these experiences and emphasized the need for better guidance, support, and care for families when they seek help.

Oinonen pointed to issues related to resource shortages in hospitals, where although there is no lack of midwives, working conditions and compensation can hinder recruitment. She emphasized that care must adhere to guidelines aimed at equitable and quality healthcare, which is regularly updated to support breastfeeding and foster early interactions between families and professionals.

She also stressed that patient rights and needs should be prioritized, and that professionals should reflect on their attitudes towards breastfeeding. Proper training for midwives is crucial, including comprehensive education in breastfeeding support, which should be continually updated.

Oinonen highlighted the importance of maintaining continuity of care and effective communication skills so families can comfortably express their wishes and needs. Midwives provide information and support for breastfeeding or alternatives like bottle-feeding, aligning care with newborn conditions and parental preferences. The Midwives Association underscores the importance of acknowledging individual family needs and ensuring comprehensive services for newborns and their families.

(via yle.fi)