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Björn Ranelid promotes apple harvesting awareness in Kivik, Sweden

Saturday 21st 2024 on 04:24 in  

Björn Ranelid has an unwavering passion for apples. Every day at his home in Kivik, Österlen, he jogs through the long rows of trees. In his earlier years, he consumed up to 15 apples daily, but currently, he limits himself to five or six, mindful of his health.

The year 2024 is anticipated to be a promising one for apple enthusiasts. Many growers believe it could set a record harvest, aided by favorable weather conditions in spring.

However, bountiful harvests come with a downside. Statistics from both Sweden’s agricultural university and the consumer organization Äkta vara reveal that only a tiny fraction of apples grown in Swedish gardens are actually eaten, with some estimates suggesting as little as five percent. A common issue is the failure to harvest the apples in time, causing them to rot on the ground as fallen fruit—a situation Ranelid strives to avoid.

He emphasizes the importance of nurturing what nature provides: “Children grow on every tree in the world, and when young ones fall, it’s crucial to be there to care for and protect them so they do not become fallen fruit,” Ranelid explains, noting that he also eats fallen fruit when necessary.

(via svt.se)