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Minor charged with firearm possession following assault in Tønsberg, Norway

Friday 20th 2024 on 23:55 in  

A minor has allegedly assaulted a man in his twenties with a gun-like object in Tønsberg, Norway. The object turned out to be a real firearm with ammunition in its magazine.

Three individuals aged between 16 and 20 were taken to the police station following the incident. The minor involved is under 18 but above the minimum legal age for criminal responsibility. He has been charged with serious violations of section 189a of the Penal Code for illegally possessing a firearm in a public place, as well as for threats and bodily harm.

Arve Howlid, the SLT coordinator in Tønsberg, expressed concern over the unusual occurrence of young people possessing firearms and urged both youth and adults to participate in efforts to enhance safety in the city.

Police attorney Pernille Nordendal emphasized the gravity of this type of crime, pointing out that armed incidents in public are rare, especially involving weapons with ammunition.

The police received a report around 6 PM regarding threats and weapons near Slottsfjell Kindergarten. Shortly thereafter, three individuals were apprehended, with a minor being positively identified in connection to the case, already known to the authorities.

Given Howlid’s experience of over 20 years working directly with youth, he noted that the event is distinctly out of the ordinary. He highlighted the ongoing issues of insecurity among the community and encouraged parents and guardians to maintain open dialogues with young people about their concerns. He suggested that adults get involved by joining local patrols and engaging with youth to foster a safer environment.

(via nrk.no)