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Students Celebrate Relocation to New Premises at Reykjavik School of Visual Arts

Friday 20th 2024 on 23:04 in  

Students at the Reykjavik School of Visual Arts made a symbolic move on September 20, 2024, as they carried chairs from their old building at JL-hús into their new location at Rauðarárstíg 10. After 26 years at JL-hús, where the school was not fully suitable due to its dilapidated condition, the transition marks an exciting new chapter for both students and staff.

In celebration of the relocation, students organized a performance echoing a similar event from 1986 when students from Verzlunarskólinn transported their furniture to a new premises. The collective effort involved a lively procession through downtown Reykjavik with students conveying not only physical items but also the creative energy cultivated in their former home.

As they arrived at the new building, students expressed their enthusiasm and anticipation. “I’m open to the changes and excited to see the new space,” said Thorlakur Helgi Thorgrimsson, while fellow student Hekla Kristleifsdottir acknowledged mixed feelings about leaving but looked forward to the opportunities ahead.

School principal Áslaug Thorlacius underscored the necessity of the move, citing improvements in space and functionality. The new premises offer more than 14 square meters more than the previous location, providing a better environment for creativity.

The packing and moving process, which began in July, has been an extensive undertaking, costing approximately 100 million ISK. “This is a tremendous project,” Thorlacius noted, highlighting the efforts of all involved in the transition.

(via ruv.is)