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Lawyer Albert Björn Lúðvígsson requests reconsideration of case for Yazan Tamimi in Iceland

Friday 20th 2024 on 21:19 in  

This evening, lawyer Albert Björn Lúðvígsson will request that the case of Yazan Tamimi and his family be reconsidered after receiving the right to substantive processing. He questions the police’s interpretation of a medical certificate indicating that Yazan was fit to travel last Monday. Lúðvígsson aims to submit the appeal to the Appeals Board for Immigration Matters, expecting it to be reviewed by Monday morning.

The Icelandic government has six months to deport asylum seekers following a ruling by the Appeals Board. Tomorrow marks six months since the board’s decision regarding twelve-year-old Yazan, who suffers from Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Lúðvígsson expresses hope that the government will expedite the remaining process, insisting that they cannot deny the application as the laws are clear on this matter.

Yazan’s father reports that the family is in shock after abruptly being set to be deported to Spain, from where they initially arrived, only for that decision to be reversed at the airport. The Chief of Police announced that a doctor had confirmed Yazan’s ability to travel.

Lúðvígsson has viewed the medical certificate and finds it puzzling. The document states that when asked if Yazan could sit on an airplane for 4.5 hours, the answer was affirmative. However, his treating physicians believe it is in Yazan’s best interest to remain in Iceland. The certificate does not address the risks of transporting Yazan to and from the airport, and the doctor noted it would be against his best interests to move him.

The Chief of Police recently met with a legal advisor specializing in the rights of disabled individuals, but no further comments on the matter have been forthcoming from the authorities.

(via ruv.is)