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Survey reveals many Finns fail to sort bio waste despite new regulations

Friday 20th 2024 on 20:24 in  

Yle conducted a survey asking readers about the treatment of bio waste, and compiled the best tips for managing organic waste. Recently, it was reported that many Finns do not sort their bio waste, despite it becoming mandatory in most areas of Finland with over 10,000 residents since July.

Sorting waste can reduce overall costs. By separately collecting bio waste or composting at home, residents can decrease the frequency of grey waste collections. It is advisable to check the costs associated with different waste collection schedules.

Thinking of bio waste in terms of benefit can be helpful. By composting at home and utilizing the resulting product, one can create nutrient-rich soil for garden plants. Not only does this benefit nature, but it also saves money, as there is no need to purchase soil. A local resident shared that she has been composting kitchen and garden bio materials since 1990 and has enjoyed using the nutrients from her composted materials.

Free resources are available for waste management. Waste companies and grocery stores may offer free bio waste bins as incentives. At home, it’s also beneficial to repurpose biodegradable bags and paper bags for bio waste collection.

Proper sorting of waste can greatly reduce odor nuisances. Mixing all waste into one bag results in unpleasant smells. It’s advisable to remove smelly bio waste quickly from indoor spaces. Additionally, trying bokashi composting can help create soil in the kitchen through a fermentation process, allowing for nutrient-rich soil for gardens.

Planning purchases and minimizing waste can reduce the amount of bio waste generated. Making a weekly meal plan and using it to create a shopping list is recommended, as is considering how to utilize all parts of vegetables and fruits to create broth or stocks.

(via yle.fi)