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Baldur Þórhallsson’s presidential campaign in Iceland faces scrutiny over donations and financial discrepancies

Friday 20th 2024 on 19:24 in  

Baldur Þórhallsson’s presidential campaign in Iceland incurred costs of approximately 20 million Icelandic króna, according to Valgeir Magnússon, his campaign manager. The final financial report has not yet been published on the website of the National Audit Office, which raised questions regarding certain donations received by the campaign.

Magnússon noted that some contributors were more closely connected to the campaign than the law allows, which was not apparent to either the campaign staff or the donors. In response, the campaign has refunded two donations totaling 800,000 króna.

When the issue was identified, the campaign’s bank accounts had already been closed, necessitating the opening of new accounts to facilitate the refunds. Magnússon stated that the final financial report would be submitted to the National Audit Office either today or shortly after the weekend.

(via ruv.is)