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Svanhildur presents credentials to Joe Biden as Iceland’s ambassador to the United States

Friday 20th 2024 on 19:09 in  

Svanhildur Hólm Valsdóttir has presented her credentials to President Joe Biden as Iceland’s ambassador to the United States. The ceremony took place in the Oval Office, as announced on the official Facebook page of the Embassy of Iceland in Washington, D.C.

During the meeting, Svanhildur conveyed greetings from the President and the government of Iceland. The two discussed the strong collaboration between Iceland and the United States, Iceland’s leadership role in renewable energy utilization, and the country’s significant contributions to Arctic issues. The statement further highlighted Biden’s emphasis on the importance of continued successful cooperation in security and defense matters.

Svanhildur’s appointment has sparked controversy. Bjarni Benediktsson, the former Foreign Minister, utilized a disputed clause in the Foreign Service Act, which allowed him to appoint an ambassador for five years without public advertisement. Svanhildur previously served as a political aide to Bjarni.

(via ruv.is)