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Prosecution seeks 12-year sentence for Sanjay Shah in Denmark dividend fraud case

Friday 20th 2024 on 17:29 in  

Today, the prosecution presented its final arguments in the dividend fraud case against Sanjay Shah, who is the main suspect accused of defrauding the Danish state of over nine billion kroner. The prosecution is seeking a 12-year prison sentence for severe fraud under aggravating circumstances, which the defense attorney describes as expected, stating, “It’s not surprising that they are trying to maximize the sentence.”

Prosecutors claim this case is the worst of its kind ever seen, according to defense attorney Mikael Skjødt, who emphasizes that the defense has a very different perspective on Shah’s role in the scheme. Shah is accused of being the mastermind behind a scheme that involved thousands of applications for refunds of Danish dividend tax submitted to the Danish tax authorities.

The harshest sentence in this fraud case so far was handed down earlier in March, when Shah’s “lieutenant,” Anthony Mark Patterson, received an eight-year prison sentence after pleading guilty to his involvement in the fraud involving 8.4 billion kroner.

Next week, it will be the defense’s turn to present their case, and indications suggest they will aim for an acquittal for Shah. He will also have the opportunity to make a final statement during this court session. Throughout the proceedings, Shah has maintained his innocence.

His defense claims he is in good spirits, emphasizing his role in the developments of the case and noting that he has prepared an extensive PowerPoint presentation to explain his viewpoint. The verdict in this case is set to be delivered on December 12, with the option for both parties to appeal to a higher court.

(via dr.dk)