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Car found overturned in thicket north of Iisalmi; driver rescued nearly a day later

Friday 20th 2024 on 17:09 in  

A car was found overturned in a thicket north of Iisalmi on a dark autumn evening. Traffic on Route 5 continued to flow throughout the night and the following day without anyone raising the alarm. Inside the car was an injured driver, trapped due to injuries to his legs and without a phone to call for help.

It wasn’t until the next afternoon that a passerby noticed the overturned car and stopped to investigate, curious about a broken road sign. The individual discovered the vehicle had rolled off the highway into a ditch and was upside down in dense brush. They called emergency services, and the injured driver received assistance nearly a day after the accident. He was taken to Kuopio University Hospital. Authorities reported that alcohol was not a factor in the incident.

Emergency services remind the public of critical actions to take in an accident scenario: do not make sudden movements in traffic, find a safe place to stop, remain calm, check what has happened, assess if anyone needs help, call for assistance by dialing 112, and follow instructions from emergency dispatch. It’s crucial to alert oncoming traffic with a warning triangle and hazard lights, cut power to the accident vehicle, and provide first aid if possible. Wait for rescue personnel and provide them with information before leaving the scene upon receiving permission.

Fire Chief Lari Parkkinen, with over 20 years of experience, noted a troubling change in behavior among drivers at accident scenes – many simply drive by and report incidents without checking for potential victims in danger. He emphasizes the national obligation to stop and assist those in need, urging empathy by considering how one might feel if a loved one were in the same situation. Parkkinen also encourages drivers to slow down when seeing emergency vehicles and to refrain from recording the scene for privacy reasons.

(via yle.fi)