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Scandinavian Star report criticizes Danish Maritime Authority for 34 years of misinformation

Friday 20th 2024 on 14:04 in  

A tense drama has unfolded concerning the long-awaited Scandinavian Star report, which was released last week. The report harshly criticizes the Danish Maritime Authority, accusing it of providing incorrect information regarding the case for 34 years. The Ministry of Business, under which the Maritime Authority operates, allegedly attempted to withhold documents crucial for the Task Force’s investigation, delaying the process. This concern has been echoed by both the Task Force’s chairman and its political follow-up group.

For over seven months, the Task Force fought for access to documents from the Ministry of Business to clarify the Maritime Authority’s involvement in the disaster. The ministry initially resisted, claiming the documents were not part of the commission’s work and later citing confidentiality.

Kristina Siig, the Task Force chairman, confirmed the challenges faced. She expressed surprise and frustration at the delay, noting it took considerable time to access around 5,000 pages specifically detailing the Maritime Authority’s role. The Task Force was established in 2021, composed of individuals without previous ties to the case to ensure impartiality.

The report critiqued the Maritime Authority for failing to inspect the Scandinavian Star before its voyage, being biased in its guidance to ministers, and providing erroneous information for decades. Key documents, particularly regarding the Authority’s previous criticism of its own inspections, were reportedly missing, complicating the narrative of accountability.

After extensive delays, documents were finally released following pressure from the political follow-up group, with involvement from the Minister of Business facilitating the process. The Ministry acknowledged they initially misjudged the relevance of the requested materials but later provided all necessary documents.

(via dr.dk)