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Brynjar Níelsson resigns from parliament role, clarifies decision not linked to Human Rights Institute nomination in Iceland

Friday 20th 2024 on 13:59 in  

Brynjar Níelsson has clarified that his decision to resign from his role as an alternate member of parliament is not related to his nomination to the board of the Icelandic Human Rights Institute. In a conversation with a news outlet, he explained that he decided to exit politics after losing his seat in the last elections, despite remaining involved in political-related work. Initially, he worked as an assistant to Justice Minister Jón Gunnarsson and later took on roles within the ministries of Foreign Affairs and Finance.

“After finishing those tasks, I felt it was time to pursue other opportunities, especially since being an alternate member of parliament could be limiting,” he stated. Brynjar revealed that he made his decision about two weeks ago but afterward, people approached him about taking a seat on the board of the Human Rights Institute on behalf of the Independence Party. It remains to be seen how the Althingi, Iceland’s parliament, will handle the appointment to the institute’s board.

(via ruv.is)